Wednesday, November 23, 2005

It's been a while

[Listening to: Julie And Candy - Boards Of Canada - Geogaddi (5:30)]

Life has been keeping me busy.

I'm still serious about losing weight, but have found another place to document it, at the Healthy Weight Forums.

I'm down to 98 kg, and have 13 kg to go to get to my goal. I've been going to gym regularly and eating healthier.

Work is continuing on the paving at the current house, and I've finally settled on my new house in Busselton. Just need to get a few things fixed, and then I'll be renting that one out. The new house that Jodie and I are moving to is finally vacant, though there were some issues which I've asked the Real Estate agent to address, such as missing fixtures and general untidyness. We will be undertaking some pretty substantial renovations in the near future to make the place more comfortable.

In other news, I've created two modules for the Studio Connections GTRC plugin, for recall to and from the K2600 and KSP8. I'm still working on improving the functionality so that I can sync the two units completely, but am having a few problems with the SYSEX compatibility between the GTRC and the Kurzweils. These modules are available on the Kurzweil forum at Sonikmatter

I've also got the Godlike Websit up and running. It's pretty rudimentary at the moment, though it will grow as I can devote time to it.

Otherwise everything is going well.

Jodie and I are doing well, though I think the whole situation of being between things is getting her down a bit. Our lives are currently in boxes awaiting the move, and there's a lot of work that needs to be done at both ends. I'm doing my best to get everything happening, but it is exhausting at times. I wish there were more hours in the day, sometimes.

Anyway, things are busy, as always, and I'm sure I'll ahve more to report soon.

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