Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Owning Pets

[Listening to: Radiohead - Hail To The Thief - 2+2=5 (The Lukewarm)]

I am (or rather was) dog-sitting my sister's King Charles Spaniel.  The dog is not house trained, nor is it trained generally, which makes the experience of looking after the dog, a lot less pleasurable than it otherwise would be. 

While our Border-Collie/Labrador is still a bit naughty at times, she's quite obedient and is house trained.

We don't so much mind that we've got to look after the dog while my sister is going through some difficult times and is trying to find another house.  We can put up with a few holes in the garden and cleaning up puppy mess, it is family after all.

What is a lot more difficult to take however is the trip to vet I had to do last night.  The poor little puppy hasn't been herself for a couple of days, not eating or drinking and pretty much just sitting there being miserable.  It vomited the other night and had diarrhoea, so I took it to the vet.

It transpired that the puppy hasn't had it's shots and has contracted Parvovirus, which is often fatal.

So my sister is stuck with a $1200 vet bill, for a dog that may not survive, and will be in considerable pain, and all because she didn't spend the $60 on getting the dog a couple of needles.

So, my message.

If you are going to get a pet, look after it and get it's fucking shots.  If this is too hard, or too expensive, don't buy a pet!

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Monday, April 21, 2008

Golden Goodness

Fluke - Oto - Bullet

I haven't had much time of late to blog.  That's not so good from the point of view of keeping this little corner of the web all up to date, but it is good from the point of view of getting stuff done.

I spent Saturday in the studio with Jamie working on a new remix for Golden Boy.  It's starting to sound amazing, and we're pretty excited about the track, and we haven't even finished adding parts or getting to the mix.

It's the first real chance I've had to try out the East/West Symphonic Choirs, and apart from a few sample clicks it's been amazing.  Wordbuilder is a bit tricky to get working, especially with thick harmonies, but it's worth the effort.

The choirs definitely benefit from some effects (well for our application anyway).  The track is building nicely, and we'll release when we're happy with the mix.  My mate Chuck is going to record some Sax for us which I think will fit perfectly over the top of this pulsing wall of sound that we've built.

Saturday was spent pretty much with 4 hours of effects programming for the choirs followed by another 4 hours of building Kurzweil K2600 setups and Ensoniq SQ80 sounds.  The SQ80 is one very underated synth.  Best hard sync implementation I think I've ever heard, even better than the Kurzweil's.

Sunday saw me being computer tech.  Got 2 computers out the door on Sunday (plus one on Saturday morning).  I think I'm gonna have to start charging for that.  Maybe a carton of Hoegarden's per computer.  That will keep the studio in beer for quite some time.

Anyway the pile of work on my desk isn't getting any smaller, so I'd better get back to it.

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Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Riddle of Love

Every now and then there are vague whispers on the wind
I hear tales told of a mystery

Like dragons of old it is a timeless tale
Of maidens fair and heroes bold
And dark villains awaiting their prey.

As the rumour spreads throughout the world
I hear tales of joy and woe
Of blissful liasons and unjust struggles.
Of horrific scarring and lifelong unions.

The mystery deepens when I hear about
Those that strive all their lives for
that which is always there.

Of ancentra momentum and instantaneous gratification.
Everyone seems to agree
That it has importance beyond measure
but no substance whatsoever

It can be held in your hand
But is bigger than god
Like a pebble in your pocket
You can fall from it and not hit the rocks for years

What is this thing of contradictions
That creates so many lost souls?
Does it exist?
Or is this the Riddle fo Love?


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