Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Best TYPO3 site EVER!
OMFG, how long has this site been around...?
If you administer a typo3 site, get over there. Soooooo many code snippets. I'm going to go looking for solutions to all those niggly little problems.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
A Troubled World
I had a toastmasters meeting last night and one of the speakers gave a speech about our troubled world.
Financial markets, housing markets, social upheaval, violence on the streets; it certainly looks like interesting times ahead.
Personally, for me, the world just seems to be spinning around me. Work is like a tornado at the moment with work on the current job moving at a blistering pace, and no-one really having a grasp on the entire things.
At home, life is in a constant state of flux, with house renovations progressing, and my lovely wife having spent a long time away from home working in remote WA.
Musically the amount of music we're currently pumping out of the studio is frightening. I think we've finished more tracks in the last 6 months than I'd done in the 6 years before it.
I'm not sure if the world is so much troubled as "sticky". Sure there are some areas of trouble, but by and large they are areas of sticky trouble. Trouble starts and stuff starts sticking to it, making a bigger chunk of trouble.
Work is sticky, because more and more information is sticking to the chunk that we previously had, and music is definitely sticky with thick wet synthy sounds swimming out of the speakers.
I have to conclude from all of this that the real problem with the world is too much stickiness. Half sucked lollypops may seem innocent enough (just like cheap home loans did), but when it becomes an obsession, we're all in for a sticky end.