Thursday, January 03, 2013
Windows 8 People Hub not Updating Facebook Status
Just solved a small problem I was having today with the Windows 8 people hub not updating my wifes facebook status on my tablet. It turns out the problem wasn’t with Windows 8, but with the bottomless pit that is Facebook privacy, well maybe with a bit of Windows 8 weirdness thrown in.
What had happened is that facebook had changed some settings in facebook that disallowed ALL external apps from accessing any information off her timeline. Now what is weird is that it was working, but stopped after I accidentally linked her business page to her profile in people hub (which replaced all her status updates with the business ones in the people hub) and then unlinked them.
Currently (January 2013) the setting can be found under Privacy (top right icon with a lock, next to “Home” –> See More Settings –> Apps (Left Menu Bar) –> Apps Others Use.
I checked, and my settings were the same. Maybe facebook is taking notice of privacy and making it easier for people to stay private (I’d like to think so), but I can’t help thinking it might be a bit of dig at the emergence of alternative ways to access facebook without the ads, like the People Hub on Windows devices.
What I don’t like is that this setting is GLOBAL, ie you can’t just allow your information to be shared with People Hub, for example, you are either all in, or all out.
To allow People Hub to do it’s thing you need to enable “if I’m online, My status updates, My photos, My videos, My links and any other item that you would like friends to see”