Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Cheeky Meetings

Yesterday was a strident boot back to reality for me. I'm actually going to meet Jodie, in a few weeks time, and for much of yesterday I was adjusting to this revelation.

I'm actually really excited about meeting Jodie face to face for the first time, but I'm simultaneously frightened that something will go wrong to derail the whole thing.

I have such strong feelings for Jodie that the fear of rejection is somewhat overwhelming. These fears are something left over from earlier experiences in my life, and it is unreasonable to apply them to Jodie, but somehow there was a lingering doubt about how Jodie feels about me.

Last night we spoke for 4 or 5 hours on the phone, and somehow my fears were fully allayed. From a doubting fearful boy to a confident, happy potential beau with just a few short hours of conversation. Jodie has this amazing ability to be able to understand my insecurities, and seems to know exactly the right things to say. I just wish that I could return favour and allay her trepidation in meeting me.

Anyway, today I'm featuring a poem written by Jodie. She read it to me last night, and it made me laugh. She's agreed to let me post it here, so read all, and enjoy.

I think it displays a little mischievious, and fun part of her personality perfectly.

"A Cheeky Soliloquy"

Face away from me, and shine
your back is far more pleasant
those dark eyes now cut not mine
as I observe your behind
voice is freshly resonant.
Stand, back facing me m'dear
see now where later fingers span
your attractions now so clear
I watch your beautiful rear
be still, my restless hands.
Rasping and at times creaky
blue denimn, encasing treasure
desireable and cheeky
O! hidden buns, I seek thee
can't touch, but look at leisure.
O joy, temporary bliss!
never have I so loved farce
I reach out to touch, but miss
sadly, I settle for this,
Ode to a Wonderful Arse!

Jodie M Richardson

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