Tuesday, June 01, 2004


Yesterday was a day of mixed emotions. I found out I was to do some more travelling in the near future, though that conflicted with one of my opportunities to catch up with Jodie, and it means that I'm going to be away from home for quite some time. It will be a great experience I'm sure, but still, I have great experiences right here in Perth.

Also, I had a long chat with my housemate about where we are both at. He's just finished the Landmark Forum and was telling me some of the things that he got out of it. I've been a bit of a cynic about landmark for a while now. Nothing in particular, except that it seems to be surrounded by some sort of shroud of secrecy, and seems to be almost some style of pyrimid sales scheme. My last concerns were put to rest my my housemate who told me that while they encourage graduates to enrol others in the course, that there is no actual sales scheme in force here.

Anyway, he seemed to get a lot out of the forum, and told me that I'd probably get something out of it also. Maybe I'll look at this again in the future, but I don't feel that it's for me right at the moment. I think that some people probably get an awful lot out of the forum, but honestly I've dealt with my demons from the past, and am developing traits in myself that I want to be part of my person in going forward. Maybe it will give me some new enthusiasm or give me some new techniques for improving myself, but I'll wait and see I guess.

Yesterday was also hectic from the point of view of work. Lots of corporate strategy and updates on recent events with the company, including our recent trip to China.

I also had squash last night. My tender pinky made squash a little uncomfortable, though I did manage to play a few good games. Worked up a sweat and overall had a pretty good time.

Also my housemate took some cool photo's of me last night. I was all rugged up for the cold weather with a black shirt and grey tie, and in my swedish naval jacket.

Here is the result...

Anyway, I like it, and will probably use it for promo shots for LOST, my mellow musical moniker.

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