Sunday, July 18, 2004
The World of Travel
[Listening to: Temple (Fretwell Dub) - J Punch - The Forth - Electric Calm V.2 (5:06)]
Well, I'm one step closer to spending the next 2-3 years in China. I'm awaiting some extra details outlining exactly what my role will be if I decide to go to China, and Jodie seems keen on coming with me if I do go. It will be an adventure, and somewhat of a frightening concept.
Uprooting my life, and that of Jodie to pursue a career advancement in a foreign country where I can't even read the letters let alone speak the language is pretty darn scary. I'm not sure what to expect, though I'm sure we'll be able to cope. I think the biggest challenge will be the language, and I'll be pushing for lessons in Mandarin before I leave. Six months should be long enough to get the basics sorted out if I work hard at it.
The other issue is what am I going to do with all of my stuff. I've just got myself settled in my house in Perth and things are going pretty smoothly. Now I have to work out whether we are to rent the house out, and if so, just where am I going to store my stuff.
Also on my mind is the feelings of my housemate. We've got a good partnership happening with the house purchase and in many ways I feel like I'm leaving him in the lurch somewhat. I'm not walking away from the deal that we made, but some hard decisions are going to have to be made in the next month.
In so many ways I'm quietly changing the direction of my life, taking a turn that is one of life's choices, but I feel that the ripples will be felt by many. I hope that this doesn't put anyone off balance or cause some sort of butterfly effect catasrophe.
It's humbling sometimes to consider the scope of your influence on the world. When I think of how many people I know, and how many close friends and family I have it can be a little overwhelming.
Anyway, I'm inspired to write a poem about this, so if I don't loose the feeling, then you'll all be reading it soon.
Until Then...