Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Getting Down and Dirty

OK I got conned today. Downright cheated....

In a meeting the subject of Bulk SG samples was broached by the Operations manger and my reply was that short of swimming, there was no way to get a sample. I challenged him that if he could produce a 1kg sample from the sampling site, then I would do the Bulk SG test for him (which requires taking a 30L sample (exactly approximately - ie approximately 30L, but measured with precision) and weighing it.

Lo and behold, he produces a bag, so off I go, with a barrel and a shovel to get my sample.

I arrive at the sampling site, so note that he has NOT in fact taken his sample from there, but from a much safer site further along the heap, where there is a stable footing underneath. Anyway, we needed the number, so I took the sample anyway (though from HIS sampling location, rather than the proper one (which would have necessitated being waist deep in mud).

I still got right muddy as the slurry from the new sampling site oozed down the hill and over my boots.

Moral of this story.



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