Friday, March 11, 2005

Rollin Right Along

Turkish Concrete Testing

I think the image says it all.

Dunno how they are going to fix this one, and I'm not 100% sure how it happened, but it did.

In other news today, it sleeted and snowed today near Izmir in Turkey which is rare for this reason, and rarer still in spring.

About 2 or 3 inches of snow up the mountain, and about an hour of sleet and snow this morning on the way into work.

It's all very odd.

Jodie and I have had a series of long conversations over the last few days, and I'm feeling closer to her than ever. It's great. I'm so looking forward to being closer to her when I'm back in Australia.

She's drinking milo and watching a dog give birth at the moment, which is kinda wierd, I thought, but I guess if you are going to drink something while watching a dog give birth, milo's about as good as any.

Anyway, busy day, so I'd better get back to it.

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