Saturday, March 05, 2005

Turkish Infrastructure.


After unsuccessfully having tried to call Jodie half a dozen times today using both a land line and my mobile I get a message from her that basically tells me that she thinks I didn't want to talk to her, and am making up excuses.

Nothing seems to work in this frigging country, and now it's impacting on my relationship.

Heck, I've been on site for 14 days now, and we have not had one full day of electricity yet. The backup generator has broken down at least 5 times in that same period, a bridge has washed away and today, now, I couldn't ring my girlfriend, my mother, my father, my sister or my housemate.

Heck, even my workmate is in a foul mood, because the cigarette lighter he bought this morning refuses to produce a flame, thus depriving him of nicotine and making him even more short tempered than he already is.

This country sucks.

I tried again, just a few minutes ago, and got her message bank, which is s step in the right direction, but still I have been unable to talk to her.

I get a little lost at times with Jodie. One day we have such a great day with conversation, and we are both happy, and then wham - like a bombshell, I'm suddenly the baddie because I can't get in touch with her.

Despite a string of messages today, (one of which was her telling me that she was turning her phone off for the weekend "because 'her' attachment to it is over the top".) Was I wrong in assuming that when she sent me this, that she was "actually" going to turn her phone off?

Trying to be diplomatic, and in tune with her feelings, I sent a message expressing regret that I wouldn't get to talk to her, but I tried to put it in a way that supported the decision she'd made. The difficult thing about SMS's is that there is no vocal intonation, so it's difficult to know whether the SMS is said in jest, with anger, with longing, or as a wistful aside. I'm not sure of the tone of the above mentioned message to me, so I tried to hedge my bets, but I missed big time, it seems. I seem to have provoked some sort of anger, because I apparently wasn't going to miss her enough.

I didn't hear back from her after I sent my message for several hours, and thought (wrongfully it seems) that she had, in fact, actually switched her phone off. Assuming that the phone was off, I didn't send any more messages, though I've had the phone on my desk next to me in the faint hope that she didn't actually turn it off and would message me, so that then I could make another attempt at ringing her.

Why not ring her at home? I hear you ask, well, she's currently bunked down in a transportable flat on her parents property that doesn't have a phone line, and her parent's are away, so if I did manage to get a line out then there was likely no-one on the other end to answer it, so it is mobile or nothing (though I'm probably mistaken in this assumption too.)

I hate this long distance thing. It's why I've been so keen for Jodie to move to Perth, so that we can be near each other, and actually surprise each other by visiting face to face rather than attempting the same through the screwed up infrastructure networks that make up this strange place.

Today has become so frustrating.

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