Wednesday, April 19, 2006
My Poor Neglected Blog
[Listening to: 49 Percent - Röyksopp - The Understanding (Limited Edition) (5:12)]
It's not that I've forgotten about my blog, but my life has felt like it's spinning out of control a little of late.
Easter weekend was the culmination of months worth of hard work around the house for me and my lovely fiance. Our engagement party on Saturday was a great success, and even though I couldn't manage to relax, I enjoyed the company of so many friends and family. Leading up to this momentous occasion we virtually redid the entire garden, unpacked and cleaned out a plethora of packing boxes and basically worked our fingers to the bone.
When we weren't actually at work (the place where they pay us) we were working on stuff where there is no direct payment.
I haven't actually got anything finished yet. We've painted about 80% of the house, we've finished maybe 30% of the bookwork, we've unpacked 90% of the boxes and finished perhaps 60% of the garden.
In better news, the other house that I've been renovating is all but finished. We should be able to get it tennanted within the next 2 weeks which will ease a huge amount of financial pressure.
Jodie did a new drawing on the weekend, of a horse, and as usual, it's pretty friggin amazing. I started writing a tune, but my heart wasn't really there, for some reason. I got these beats and sounds doing stuff, but I felt as though they aren't driven by a purpose. Maybe I should concentate on the lack of purpose and use that as the purpose for the song. A kind of empty song stretching out for a reason.
I've felt kind of listless of late. Yesterday was a day that I'll affectionately refer to in my memoirs as the caramel coated day.
For the entire day, I felt like I was swimming in a world of caramel. Everything was in a kind of yellowy, sweet slow motion. Everything required an effort to move through, but it was more of a relaxed, go with the flow, sort of feeling, not the sort of icky, sticky, annoying feeling.
I swear Jodie must have throught that someone had spiked my coffee.
What else is news.
Zen Paradox have a new album out. It's a clinical piece of glitchy wierdness. I don't know if I like it yet. It's certainly interesting and technically brilliant, but I can't help but feel that it also kind of missed the point, though maybe it's me that's missed the point.
Work is - well - frustrating. Lots of work following up stuff that we've already done, sent and finished. I wish people would actually read the stuff that we send them rather than just filing it. It would save me soooooo much time replying to emails saying "We sent this to you on insert date. It is outlined in intimate detail in drawing insert drawing number.
Oh - here's something new. We have a puppy. Her name is Satin, and she's a Border Collie / Labrador Cross. She's seriously cute, and apart from normal puppy naughtiness is probably the sweetest puppy I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. Jodie loves her to bits, and Satin adores us both. Mortisha (the 11 yo Burmese cross) even seems to get along with her fine (unless she finds a cold nose up her butt - in which case she asserts her authority).
Hmmmmm - what else....
Kurzweil seem to have sorted out their corporate woes with an announcement that Samick are now truley out of the picture and to return all of Kurzweil's stock and sales to them.
Yamaha have announced that they will soon have a new driver out that fixes the infamous recording offset bug which I have been plagued by. It's great news and will mean that functionally my studio will be about as perfect as I could wish for. I'm even going to be getting one of my dream toys. A golden boy. An SPL Tube Vitalizer.
Now I just need to write some friggin music that is more than four on the floor mediocrity.
Anyway - It's been good to shout into the black void of internet blogging and hearing no echo's. A weight that I didn't know I was carrying has been lifted.
The world is shiny and new with rainbow hues....
Well maybe not quite, but you get the picture.