Thursday, June 15, 2006

Shit Day

Today was shit.

Had arguments with workmates about travel and the next to no notice that they give to me when I need to travel overseas. Apparently I'm supposed to be "flexible".

Had argument with Jode's about how much my work sucks because they insist on giving me no notice, when I travel.

Fact is I can see the points of everyone. Work is against the wall and really has no control over scheduling, and with such a small workforce, unfortunately, I'm the one that needs to make shit work. To grow, we need to get this plant up and going, and we are at the mercy of other people less organized than us. It sucks for us all.

On the other hand, Jode's wants to enjoy life, and to do that requires us to make some plans. With the unpredictability of work that is difficult, especially for us to make plans together. It's unreasonable for us to drop everything at a moment's notice to do stuff for work.

History - I've told work that this is the last big project that I'm going away for, for significant periods of time. Dunno if it's registered.

The situation as I see it - Jode's told me that she's not going to be a slave to my work any more. I applaud that. My work should not impact on stuff she wants to do. Dunno what ramifications that's going to have at the moment. If Jode's wants to do stuff that she can enjoy alone then not huge (though I will miss out on spending some quality time with her). If I'm integral to the experience, then I still dunno. Will cross that bridge when I come to it. My head hurts.

I just hope that all these investments come to fruition soon, so that I can afford to not work. My plan is to be able to have a lot more time free to spend with Jode's after we are married. Restricting work travel will help, but retiring or going part time will help more.


1) Change nothing and continue to walk a razor's edge between work demands and living a life
2) Tell work to stick it, and find another job.
3) Reinforce to work again that this is the final big job and long stints away is not an option as of next year, and hope that it pans out.

What do I want?

I don't know.

I certainly know that I'm not happy with not knowing where I'll be in 2 weeks time. Work has agreed that communication needs to be improved
I certainly know that I don't want my actions to make Jodie unhappy. Sometimes this is unavoidable, but I strive to minimize it.
I know that I don't want to keep doing the same thing for the next 20 years. I've probably got 2-3 more years of this in me and then I'm going to need a change. Dunno what. Maybe new career. Maybe new job. Dunno
I know that I want to be happy and relaxed, and laid back. I don't want to be getting stressed out trying to keep everyone happy. I do my best to treat everyone with respect and dignity, and that should be enough. I am kind and accomodating with those things I can control, and try to react in the best possible way to those things I can't. Unfortunately, sometimes the inflexible things clash right above my head, and give me a headache.
I know I need some sleep. I was up late last night. I think that made me grumpy.
I know it's home time, and that I'm about to logoff.


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