Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Riddle of Love

Every now and then there are vague whispers on the wind
I hear tales told of a mystery

Like dragons of old it is a timeless tale
Of maidens fair and heroes bold
And dark villains awaiting their prey.

As the rumour spreads throughout the world
I hear tales of joy and woe
Of blissful liasons and unjust struggles.
Of horrific scarring and lifelong unions.

The mystery deepens when I hear about
Those that strive all their lives for
that which is always there.

Of ancentra momentum and instantaneous gratification.
Everyone seems to agree
That it has importance beyond measure
but no substance whatsoever

It can be held in your hand
But is bigger than god
Like a pebble in your pocket
You can fall from it and not hit the rocks for years

What is this thing of contradictions
That creates so many lost souls?
Does it exist?
Or is this the Riddle fo Love?


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